Early Dismissal Tomorrow and Graded Papers Tonight



Tomorrow is early dismissal for teacher work day. Primary will release at 11:30. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up from school or from the bus on time. Car pickup- please wait until after 11:15 to line up. We needs for our Pre-K students to be able to leave before primary cars line up.


I am sending graded papers home tonight. Please look these papers over, praise, and talk about them. If there was something missed, also take time to talk about the correct answers.

monster books

Today we worked on combinations of 12. Here are some creative ways to compose the number 12~ We learned there are many different ways.


McKenzie chose 11 Ghosts and 1 Bat


Harrison chose 3 Lollipops and 9 Jelly Beans


Caleb chose 5 lollipops and 7 twizzlers

Thank you!


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