Blue-Out for Brock Tomorrow

Gladewater ISD and White Oak HS have dedicated tomorrow as a “Blue-Out for Brock” day. We are going to join in the battle!
Hashtags being used include #battleforbrock and #prayforbrock
 Let us join together in the spirit of brotherhood and support for our neighbors and Brock, whose mother is a former Roughneck. Being able to support others in a time of need is a large part of who we are and what we represent at WOISD.
It’s battle time, so get your blue on tomorrow! Blue socks, shirts, pants, shoes (no blue hair or face paint) are urged!
This is a very busy and exciting time of year but there is still A LOT to learn, and the expectations are still high for the kids.
In math: Subtraction, combinations, and surveys will be covered until Christmas break.
Guided reading will continue.
-ed -es endings will be reviewed and taught along with reviewing diagraphs
Spelling words for this past week and next week are: do, if, their, said, which, will, each, about, how, up
Social studies-we will be learning about traditions and the holiday season.
Science- we will be doing experiments and recording what we observe.
 Dec 20th is our Christmas Party at 9:00 am!
If you would like to be a room mother for our Christmas Party, Valentine’s Day Party, or Easter Party please email me and we will sort out which party.
Thanks for all you do!

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