The first week of school was awesome!! Now it’s time to get on our daily schedule and set expectations for our everyday classroom routines so we can get the most out of our day.
This week:
Reading: Students will begin guided reading stations while I test students to find their reading levels. If the reader they are bringing home is too easy, read it several times to improve fluency. If it is too difficult, read it to/with them. When I conclude testing, their books will be more consistent with their ability.
Spelling: Students will be given 5 new spelling words (the, a, and, of, to) this week.
Math: Students will begin using pictures and ten frames with Intentional Problem Solving. They will also be counting collections.
We will also begin an author study of Kevin Henkes and learn how to be a CHAMP through his characters.
Remember, class begins at 8:00.
Lunch is at 10:45
Tennis shoes need to be worn every Tuesday and Wednesday. These are our P.E days!
I hope everyone has a blessed week!