I hope everyone has an amazing weekend! This weather should make for a great weekend outside.
This past week was awesome! We even earned extra recess and a popcorn treat for earning 20 Little Critters! We explored our 5 senses while enjoying our popcorn!
We finished up using our 5 senses on a Nature Walk
Next Tuesday we will be having our spelling test. The spelling words that we learn to read, write, and spell are called High Frequency Words. That means they are frequently in books. All the words we are learning will be in every single book they read. It is so important to learn these words to become better readers and writers.
his, they, for, with, as, was, on, are, he, that
plus all the previous ones need to be known.
We had a little fun with our site words today with some shaving cream:
We have been learning about seasons and why they change. They really enjoyed learning with the globe.
We will continue our study about spiders and research about spider facts.
In phonics, we are learning blends. This past week we learned the “s” blends for example (sm- as in smile, sk- as in skate, st- as in star, sn- as in snail, and sp- as in spider. Knowing these will help them start a word correctly when reading and writing to help make sense of the story. We will continue to work on other blends (such as bl, sl, pl, cl,) followed by (tr, cr,dr) and so on.
In math we are composing number and finding different combinations. (2+5=7 and 3+4=7 and 1+6=7) We are also continuing to work on number sense and our favorite math strategies.
Please continue to read. A lot of our kids are improving! Thank you so much for reading with them. YOU are their first teacher!
I am loving these little ones and they make me laugh daily! Thanks for sharing them with me!
Also- Thanks to the parents that showed up for Parent Orientation! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better and the way things work in our classroom!!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me! [email protected]