Your child is publishing a hardbound book!!!

Ms. James’ class worked really hard on a Halloween Book during the month of October. We all contributed to the book. It really is an amazing read!!!  We are putting it together to be published into a hardbound book by a publishing company called Studenttreasures. Your child will be a published author!!!

We are using our best handwriting and illustrations to be sent in. I will be sending home the order form today (Tuesday Nov. 4) for you to look at. This will be a keepsake of your students hard work as a 1st grader. You DO NOT have to order one, but please fill out the form an send it back to me TOMORROW (Wednesday Nov. 5) so I can continue to send it in by the send in date.

This has been a very fun book to write and their learning is evident on every page!! Please consider purchasing the book!! 🙂


Thank you,

Lacey James