This week in 1st Grade!


This week:

I will be sending out Spring Conference notes and times today. Please be sure to sign and confirm the time, or request an alternate time for us to meet about your child.

Guided Reading: I have seen a lot of kids reading every night and that makes me smile! Remember the best way to get better at something is to practice, practice, practice! There are some days where reading logs do not get passed out due to changes in a schedule and a hectic afternoon. If be chance it doe snot get home, please just write it in the planner that your child read and what book they read. Thank you!

Groups will continue. We are presently introducing reading comprehension passages. Students are practicing reading passages and proving their answers; as well as, inferring their own reasonable answers in writing. We have been reading and doing this together. They will have to complete one independently next week.

Word Work: Contractions and their meaning. This helps with comprehending what the child is reading.

Math: We will conclude our pattern unit and use what we learned in number patterns to begin counting in groups.

Writing/Science: Our study of Dental Hygiene and Dental Awareness will begin. We will discuss how to care for our teeth and discover what happens if we don’t. They will be doing a fun and informative science experiment in research center!

Spelling: could, see, time, like, him, no, make, than, first, been. A spelling preview was given today and their test will be tomorrow! PLEASE STUDY the spelling preview!

The Chocolate Fundraiser was cancelled and I hope you all got the note and were able to make arrangements and refund the money if you had already sold some. We were sad to lose this awesome opportunity to raise money for our school but I hope you got it all taken care of 🙂


Feel free to contact me anytime! [email protected]

and keep on being AMAZING!!! I have one of the best bunches and I am so glad we can all be here to help them! They continue to grow and fascinate me everyday!


Homework Tonight–Early Release Tomorrow

Tomorrow will be an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30. Please be sure to make arrangements for your child. If there are any changes, please make me a note in the PLANNER. Thank you!

Spelling words this week are: could, see, time, like, him, no, make, than, first, been

Math: Continuing patterns and counting collections of coins.

Guided reading will continue. Read every night!

In writing we are focusing on punctuation and complete thoughts along with capitalization.

Social studies will be learning about past Presidents and what they did for our country.

Your child has math homework tonight.


Valentine Party

Tomorrow 2-14 we will have our Valentine’s Day Party. Setup time is at 11:00. The party starts at 11:30

Feel free to bring anything you would like. I have spoken to a few parents to bring necessities but anything is welcome!

There will be a few stations for your child to enjoy and you are more than welcome to join in on the fun.

This week we are:

Reviewing time, counting money, and noticing and practicing patterns and number patterns.

We are learning about synonyms while still reviewing parts of speech (nouns,verbs, adjectives) this will make our writing better and more interesting.

We will be learning about President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln.

We are really focusing on reading our writing and making sure it makes sense, spelling words are spelled correctly, and if they have errors, to correct the error.

Graded papers and graded writing will go home today. On the back of your child’s writing there will be a spelling grade (#grade), and penmanship grade(1-4), and a writing grade (1-4). A 1 is experiencing difficulty and a 4 is the best.

Thank you

Happy Valentine’s Day