Valentine Party

Tomorrow 2-14 we will have our Valentine’s Day Party. Setup time is at 11:00. The party starts at 11:30

Feel free to bring anything you would like. I have spoken to a few parents to bring necessities but anything is welcome!

There will be a few stations for your child to enjoy and you are more than welcome to join in on the fun.

This week we are:

Reviewing time, counting money, and noticing and practicing patterns and number patterns.

We are learning about synonyms while still reviewing parts of speech (nouns,verbs, adjectives) this will make our writing better and more interesting.

We will be learning about President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln.

We are really focusing on reading our writing and making sure it makes sense, spelling words are spelled correctly, and if they have errors, to correct the error.

Graded papers and graded writing will go home today. On the back of your child’s writing there will be a spelling grade (#grade), and penmanship grade(1-4), and a writing grade (1-4). A 1 is experiencing difficulty and a 4 is the best.

Thank you

Happy Valentine’s Day

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